Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together.
--John Ruskin

e are blessed to have three splendid Pacific Northwest properties where remarkable experiences are already part of each day. In the islands, the ability to wander in wild meadows and cool deep woodlands, stroll through productive orchards and experience fresh estate grown produce, sit quietly in well tended formal gardens, gaze out over mountain views, ocean vistas and walk wide pebble beaches; all amidst fresh air, solitude, and splendor. In the city, to luxuriate in the sophistication of vibrant urban life from the respite of a quiet, beautiful and tranquil retreat just moments from Seattle, the cultural center of the Pacific Northwest – this is what we offer to you.


We have spent countless meticulous hours to prepare for our guests what we seek when we travel – a home away from home that is beautifully furnished, spacious, clean — qualities of a fine hotel; with the convenience of a private home, fully equipped and functional, yet free of the personal items of the owner. We have created what we cannot find anywhere else in our travels.


We are humbled by the bounty of our lives and are deeply pleased to be opening our homes and sharing our lifestyle with others while designating a portion of the revenue for philanthropy. It is a fresh idea that inspires our guests as much as it does us. Through this endeavor we have met many wonderful, like-minded individuals and philanthropists. It has been a pleasure beyond our fondest expectations.


We hope you’ll choose one or all of our homes for your visit, enjoying these exclusive private homes while expanding the possibilities for philanthropy.




Steve and Michele Heller